Trust the Lake & Lawn professionals to take care of your commercial or residential grounds


Trust the Lake & Lawn professionals to take care of your commercial or residential grounds

Outdoor Pest Control

Trust the Lake & Lawn professionals to implement proven mosquito & outdoor pest control that take total care of your commercial & residential properties.

Shoreline Restoration

Once erosion starts, it must be repaired to stop further damage from occurring. Are you losing your property due to shoreline erosion?

Lawn Care & Landscaping

One of the first things a person will see when arriving at your home or business is your landscape. Whether you like it or not appearances will leave an impression.

Lake Maintenance

We help our clients preserve native aquatic vegetation and maintain the balance so critical to the sustainability and cleanliness of our aquatic ecosystems.


Lake & Lawn provides environmentally friendly expert solutions for maintaining the beauty and health of Florida’s landscapes and waterways. Our licensed, and trained team provides a full roster of services including lake maintenance, landscaping, shoreline repair, erosion control and more.


Lake & Lawn provides environmentally friendly expert solutions for maintaining the beauty and health of Florida’s landscapes and waterways. Our licensed, and trained team provides a full roster of services including lake maintenance, landscaping, shoreline repair, erosion control and more.

  • Helping municipalities, rental properties, and businesses keep tenants safe from pests.
  • Establishing strategies for the maintenance and improvement of your green areas.
  • Excellent customer service backed by knowledge, experience, and the fact that we care!
  • Developing strategies that exceed your project goals.
professional shoreline repair


Golden Canna (canna lillies) is a beautiful, wet-loving, long lived herbaceous perennial plant and is the only yellow Canna.

This native plant of the Southeast US can be found growing in coastal swamps from South Carolina and Florida west to Texas. Canna flaccida looks like a typical canna lily, with 4′ tall stalks of green leaves, topped with clusters of bright, butter-yellow flowers from late spring until fall.

  • Light Requirement: Full sun
  • Moisture Requirement: Wet
  • 4′ tall stalks of green leaves, topped with clusters of bright yellow flowers.

Installing hardy native Florida plants not only attracts wildlife by providing food and shelter to the wildlife but also enhances their habitat.

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